Two nodes of note are the Red de Huertos Urbanos de Madrid (Urban Agriculture Network of Madrid) and FRAVM - Federacion Regional de Asociaciones Vecinales de Madrid (Regional Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Madrid). The Red exists to support huertos, serving as a central point to disseminate information for and from the huertos and to advance their work. FRAVM is part of the municipality and its network of huertos represent the growing trend of neighborhood associations establishing huertos urbanos. Though neighborhood associations exist to represent and serve neighborhood residents, a number of them have suffered from becoming political and/or dominated by a few individuals that don't represent the community wants and needs as a whole. In part, this is why the urban social movement resulted in so many new groups being formed, rather that relying on the existing grassroots network of neighborhood associations. And this divide is partially represented by the difference in connectivity levels between the huertos connected to FRAVM and those connected to the Red. Those connected to the Red are, in large part, much more connected to other groups as part of the urban social movement, representing resident activism and the USM values of collaboration and holistic thinking connecting neighborhood issues across the spectrum. Alternatively, the huertos in the FRAVM network and other huertos on the periphery of the network that are projects of neighborhood associations are overall less connected, representing the more traditional structure of neighborhood services.